We hope you enjoy these staff features, Mustangs! Did you find in your child's backpack the Winter Break Reading Activity put together by our Family Engagement Team? If not...or you can't find it...no worries! Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/4m54e552 If you can't find the sheet we gave your child or don't have a printer at home...no worries...just write your answers on a piece of paper to get turned in once school starts back up! We truly have THE BEST staff around!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you enjoy these staff features, Mustangs! Did you find in your child's backpack the Winter Break Reading Activity put together by our Family Engagement Team? If not...or you can't find it...no worries! Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/4m54e552 If you can't find the sheet we gave your child or don't have a printer at home...no worries...just write your answers on a piece of paper to get turned in once school starts back up! We truly have THE BEST staff around!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you enjoy these staff features, Mustangs! Did you find in your child's backpack the Winter Break Reading Activity put together by our Family Engagement Team? If not...or you can't find it...no worries! Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/4m54e552 If you can't find the sheet we gave your child or don't have a printer at home...no worries...just write your answers on a piece of paper to get turned in once school starts back up! We truly have THE BEST staff around!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you enjoy these staff features, Mustangs! Did you find in your child's backpack the Winter Break Reading Activity put together by our Family Engagement Team? If not...or you can't find it...no worries! Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/4m54e552 If you can't find the sheet we gave your child or don't have a printer at home...no worries...just write your answers on a piece of paper to get turned in once school starts back up! We truly have THE BEST staff around!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you enjoy these staff features, Mustangs! Did you find in your child's backpack the Winter Break Reading Activity put together by our Family Engagement Team? If not...or you can't find it...no worries! Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/4m54e552 If you can't find the sheet we gave your child or don't have a printer at home...no worries...just write your answers on a piece of paper to get turned in once school starts back up! We truly have THE BEST staff around!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you enjoy these staff features, Mustangs! Did you find in your child's backpack the Winter Break Reading Activity put together by our Family Engagement Team? If not...or you can't find it...no worries! Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/4m54e552 If you can't find the sheet we gave your child or don't have a printer at home...no worries...just write your answers on a piece of paper to get turned in once school starts back up! We truly have THE BEST staff around!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you enjoy these staff features, Mustangs! Did you find in your child's backpack the Winter Break Reading Activity put together by our Family Engagement Team? If not...or you can't find it...no worries! Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/4m54e552 If you can't find the sheet we gave your child or don't have a printer at home...no worries...just write your answers on a piece of paper to get turned in once school starts back up! We truly have THE BEST staff around!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We hope u enjoy these staff features, Mustangs! Did u find the Winter Break Reading Activity put together by our Family Engagement Team in ur child's backpack? If not...or u can't find it...no worries! Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/4m54e552 We truly have THE BEST staff around!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Happy Winter Break, Mustangs! We hope you enjoy this as much as we did making it. Thanks, Ms. Mohr, for all your work on this! https://youtu.be/xRcD-3l0O3I
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Did you find in your child's backpack the Winter Break Reading activity put together by our Family Engagement Team? If not...or you can't find it...no worries! Here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/171HJeWKM8L5hCBa1imYuZpCIeTLWQGKu/view?usp=sharing We hope your family enjoys this winter break activity as much as we did putting it together. Our staff features will start in a few days...so be ready! If you can't find the sheet we gave your child and don't have a printer at home...no worries...just write your answers on a piece of paper to get turned in once school starts back up! Have a great winter break, Mustangs!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
BES held their Winter Extravaganza today. Students started with craft making and cookie decorating. They then were sent on a Story Book Walk where they were given clues on where to find their "celebrity" readers and Winter stories!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
We hope you’ve been good! Our elf on the roof is making his rounds today!!! Hopefully we can catch him before he goes home!!!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
No School: Winter Break: 12/22-1/2
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
4K Outreach: Come and enjoy an evening filled with games and snacks with your family and friends. Please bring your family's favorite game and snack to share with the group. Please keep in mind we have a friend with a peanut allergy. No regular scheduled class on this day 12/31 @5pm --BES
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Enjoy walking the illuminated Tom Holden trail at Memorial Park and school forest. Dress for being outside and go at your own pace, once or multiple times. There will also be a fire warming station and hot cocoa (as long as it lasts!). Come and go as you please, but make sure all children are with an adult. Hope to see you there! Questions: Melissa.Bobula@gcj2.k12.wi.us
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Students in Personal Wellness (BMS) and Physical Education (BES) classes across the district have been learning about different careers in the sports and health industries. Each week, they focus on a new career and incorporate what they've learned into their classes.This last week, BES students learned about and became Sports Statisticians in their bowling units. BMS students have been taking on the roles of coaches, referees, cheerleaders, and media specialists during their basketball unit.
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
Empty bowls fundraiser is going strong. Come on out and have some delicious soup, chili, and dessert! We even have live music! We will be here at BMS until 7!!!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
See you all soon! This event is open to ALL and we are so proud of all the work our students and staff have poured into this event — to raise funds for our local food pantry: Loaves and Fishes Empty Bowls Fundraiser for Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry on Dec 14 from 5pm-7pm at BMS // $5 per person We are "soup"er thankful for what we have as the Empty Bowls are a reminder that someone's bowl may be empty this season -- BMS Student Council and Leadership Students. Soup/Chili, Rolls, and Dessert. Bowls handcrafted by BMS students will also be available to purchase.
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
To celebrate Grinch Day, teachers at BES participated in a door decorating contest. The doors were judged by the November Be Brookwood winners. After tallying the results, Ms. Pacholczak's first grade class claimed first place! There were two runners up: Ms. Gahart's and Ms. Stolzman's second grade class and Ms. Wagner's first grade class. Thanks to everyone who participated! All the doors look amazing!
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong
4K has been utilizing our outdoor learning space in this wonderful winter weather. They are exploring and investigating and being scientists. Their new vocabulary includes predictions and decomposition. Students are making predictions about the weather and what will happen to the pumpkins that we put in our garden area! In addition, they have been looking at patterns in nature. They've seen lots of discoveries while engaging with nature.
about 1 year ago, Helen Xiong