As you are eagerly waiting to enter your conference with your child's teacher, take a few minutes to check out the online book fair! Every purchase also gives money back to our school to support literacy needs. Don't forget about the teacher's wish lists as well! Visit https://www.scholastic.com/bf/brookwoodschools2 to get started!

Last call for clipped Box Tops! We will be mailing them in tomorrow afternoon...so if you have any clipped ones, please get them turned into either school office in the morning. Otherwise, keep those scans scanned into our school account listed as Brookwood Elementary. If you have questions, please feel free to contact our BFO at Brookwoodfamily19@gcj2.k12.wi.us

For our families that attended the BFO Pumpkin Pop-Up Event, our BFO has put together this pumpkin decorating contest but they have opened it to all GCJ2 Families. We can't wait to see your pumpkins! Even if you took a picture last week...turn it in before the end of the day tomorrow!

It's that time of year again! The BFO has organized an online spirit wear store through PFI. The store will be open now until Sunday November 22nd. All orders will be delivered to the school the week of December 14th unless USPS is selected during checkout. Unfortunately, NO late orders can be accepted.

Want to win a free book from our book fair?! Comment your favorite book you've found in the book fair so far, and one random posting will be selected to win a book from the fair! Entries will be accepted until Friday at 3:30pm.
Here is a picture of a book Ms. Bolwerk is excited about!

Welcome to week 2 of our online Scholastic book fair. We hope you've been able to look at the fair and find some good reads!
If you have the means and you would like to support your child's teacher in adding books to their classroom library, please see the attached wish lists. The document is sorted by grade level and then by price. https://tinyurl.com/y6y6ujwa
If you purchase a book to donate to a classroom, please contact Ms. Bolwerk so she can delete it so it doesn't get bought again.
Thank you so much for all of your support in making literacy a priority in our schools and in your homes! Visit https://www.scholastic.com/bf/brookwoodschools2 to get started!
Jacki Bolwerk // jacki.bolwerk@gcj2.k12.wi.us
GCJ2 Library Media Specialist

Please see the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn. https://youtu.be/0yGZ9OU2VYs
Here is the link to our GCJ2 Book Fair as well: https://tinyurl.com/y24nuyrh

Brookwood Families, don't forget that Thursday (10/29) is an Early Dismissal Day. We wanted to send out a clarification message on dismissal times for both buildings: BMS 11:35 and BES 12:25. There is also no 4K programming for that day. There is also no school on Friday (10/30).
Here is our 2020-2021 District Calendar for your viewing convenience : https://tinyurl.com/y3wqsxzt
Question? Call either school office for more information.

Brookwood Middle School families with students learning virtually, please see the following letter in regards to our universal screener we use at the middle school. If you have any questions, please contact our Interim Principal Sarah Erickson. https://tinyurl.com/yxnpevay

It's Digital Citizenship Week, and there is no better time to remind students how to be a proper digital citizen. Children are communicating online and through devices every day, and we are all learning together as the world continues to change.
Check out the following documents for tips (K-5 and 6-8) on how you can help your child manage their digital lives and do so kindly, safely, and responsibly...being Brookwood! #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest
5K-5th Grade: https://tinyurl.com/yy6d5f5r
6th-8th Grade: https://tinyurl.com/yyr5dhva

Come see what we're learning!
Our 5K-5th grade students are learning a new social emotional curriculum called The Zones of Regulation. We hope that you can join us to learn what are the Zones and how can you use them at home, how to help your child understand what Zone they are in,
common language we use at school,
tools we teach and strategies to try at home. See you virtually on 11/4 at 6 pm at this link: meet.google.com/rsx-emja-xth

GCJ2 wanted to let our families know that Brookwood Schools is continuing to partner with PSG and offering our students and families virtual-based mental health services. These services can benefit students who may be in need of additional support to work through social or emotional concerns. PSG staff members will work with families to set up and provide counseling for individuals or families. All providers are licensed by the State of Wisconsin and are trained in Trauma Informed Care. Brookwood Schools is committed to removing barriers so that our students have every opportunity to have their needs met and to succeed in our community and beyond. If you are interested in your child receiving these services, please contact either Kalyn Obry (BMS) or April Fitzsimmons (BES) directly. In addition, PSG will be offering virtual support webinars to our Brookwood families. More information on this will be coming soon.

We have loved seeing all of your spirit with the dress up days for Red Ribbon Week this week. But don't worry, the fun doesn't end Friday! Next week Wednesday (10-28) is going to be a "dress as your favorite book character" day. This goes along with the book fair we have going on online through November 1st. At both the elementary and middle schools---whether you are virtual or onsite...submit a picture of yourself dressed up as your favorite book character and email it to Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us to be entered in a drawing to win a free book from our Book Fair! Start planning your outfit, and happy reading!

Hey, Mustangs! Check out this message from Ms. Bolwerk, our school librarian, about home libraries and how to continue to build yours!
Our online book fair is happening RIGHT NOW....but if purchasing books from the book fair is not an option for you right now, that is okay! Please reach out to her via email and she can ensure that we are checking out school library books to your child so they have additional books at home for them to read. Thank you! jacki.bolwerk@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Visit https://www.scholastic.com/bf/brookwoodschools2 to check out the book fair!

This year instead of honoring our Veterans in person with a Veterans Day Assembly, we will be recognizing Veterans who have served and those who are currently serving in our military branches with a special video. If there is someone you would like to honor in this video, who has served or is currently serving, please electronically submit the following in the form of photos or video:
1. Service member’s name
2. Branch of the military he or she served in
3. Where he or she served
4. A short written or spoken statement about why you think this person should be honored
5. A photo
Please send submissions to Ms. Mohr at tina.mohr@gcj2.k12.wi.us by Monday, November 2nd.

Exciting news, Mustangs: our online Scholastic Book Fair is now open, today through November 1st! 📚 Empower your kids by letting them choose books—and bring on the joy of reading. Visit our fair homepage at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/brookwoodschools2 to get started, and be on the lookout for an email from your teacher with more information.

Please view the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: https://youtu.be/gEXhgpgm44w

Brookwood Middle School will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week Oct. 19th - 23rd. During this week, we will be celebrating being a Drug-Free School by participating in spirit dress-up days, morning trivia, and a poster contest.
If you are blended or virtual, you may participate by joining our spirit dress-up days and sending us a picture of your fun attire. You may also participate in our Red Ribbon Poster contest by choosing a Red Ribbon Theme and making a poster related to that theme. The winner of the poster contest will be announced the Monday after the event.
Looking forward to a fun week! #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest

Sometimes practicing spelling words can be a draggggg....but not in Miss Ferguson's 2nd-grade classroom! Her second graders love to practice their spelling words with....shaving cream! This not only helps students practice their spelling words but it also allows their brains to grow in a multi-sensory activity as well! Have you tried spelling with shaving cream?! #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest