Save the dates for our spring book fair!! The Scholastic book fair is going to be online again this spring, and we would love to see even more of you interact with and participate in the book fair this season! See the below infographic for important information. More information will be shared over the next few weeks. Happy reading!

Did you know that it’s School Bus Driver Appreciation Week?! Thank you to our amazing bus drivers!!! We truly have the best ones around!

Today marks Day 10 of our Brookwood Reads 21 Day Family Reading Challenge and we've got some trivia for you!
Did you know......
Pete the Cat is based on a kitten that the series illustrator, James Dean, adopted from a shelter in 1999. Dean named the kitten Pete. The real Pete wasn't blue; he was black.
Green Eggs and Ham has only 50 words in it. Author Theodor Seuss Geisel took a dare from his editor that he could not write a book with only 50 words. It turned out he could and he won the bet!
Magic Tree House Series: Just like in the books where Annie and Jack go on all sorts of adventures, author Mary Pope Osborne has traveled to many places. Growing up, she lived in 13 different houses and went to eight different schools.
Dav Pilkey, the author, came up with the idea for Captain Underpants when he was just in second grade. The main characters, Harold and George, are named after two characters from other well-known children's books. Harold's name came from Harold and the Purple Crayon and George's name came from Curious George.
These are all great books and authors of books that you can find at our school libraries or even our local public library! We hope that you and your family continues to be engaged in your reading to finish your challenge strong!
Have pictures to share? Email them to: Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us

How can kids help change the world? By performing one random act of kindness at a time! Students at Brookwood Schools will kick off Kindness Week on February 16th. Kindness week will involve fun, kindness themed spirit dress up days and daily kindness challenges at both buildings. Kindness challenges will be announced each morning during announcements, so virtual students can join in the fun as well! Students (at school or virtual) participating in the kindness challenge have the chance of being caught by a staff member and earning a kindness ticket for a daily drawing. The elementary school will also be listening to and discussing a story about kindness each day.

Please see the following Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: https://youtu.be/BddoXwdyCbY

Don’t forget to upload your receipts! Box Tops is having a sweepstakes right now and whether you shop in store or online....your Box Tops count!!

Weekends can be a challenge getting your 21 minutes of reading in for your 21 Day Brookwood Family Reading Challenge....routines and schedules are different from a regular work week and it’s easy to say...”Let’s just skip it today and catch up tomorrow!” But being consistent is important! Setting a task as a regular routine happens daily. If you don’t have the time to sit and cozy up with a book...our Family Engagement’s read aloud series is a great way to get some reading done and they’re all right here waiting and ready for you to pick and choose which one you want to join in on: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlhKsK8VoY0m8XUfhSQInKAKDOMIexVw3
Happy reading, Mustangs!

Have you been keeping up with your 21 Day Family Reading Challenge? Using our Family Engagement Team's Read Aloud Series is a great way to get those minutes in!
Sooooo... for your weekend enjoyment and reading minutes! Our Family Engagement Team is excited to share with our Brookwood Families and our community members a digital read aloud series where our team and staff members will be reading books aloud to you and your families while sharing effective reading strategies and activities for you to engage in at home with not only our books we are sharing with you but also your own personal books, books from our local library, our school libraries, or even books bought from the store. We hope you enjoy this activity and find ways to implement these strategies and games at home with your loved ones.
We hope you enjoy this read aloud from Mrs. Horak where she adds in an art activity for you and your family to join in on! And do you know how a book earns the Caldecott Award? Find out through this video! https://youtu.be/4UU5WIBlYsM
If you missed out on some of our past read alouds....here they are! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlhKsK8VoY0m8XUfhSQInKAKDOMIexVw3

Our BES artist wanted to remind all students that even though we all love playing in the snow and building snowmen....don’t forget to bring your winter gear to school! #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest

Have you been keeping up with your 21 Day Family Reading Challenge? Using our Family Engagement Team's Read Aloud Series is a great way to get those minutes in!
Sooooo... for your weekend enjoyment and reading minutes! Our Family Engagement Team is excited to share with our Brookwood Families and our community members a digital read aloud series where our team and staff members will be reading books aloud to you and your families while sharing effective reading strategies and activities for you to engage in at home with not only our books we are sharing with you but also your own personal books, books from our local library, our school libraries, or even books bought from the store. We hope you enjoy this activity and find ways to implement these strategies and games at home with your loved ones.
We hope you enjoy this read aloud from Mrs. Horak where she adds in an art activity for you and your family to join in on! And do you know how a book earns the Caldecott Award? Find out through this video! https://youtu.be/4UU5WIBlYsM
If you missed out on some of our past read alouds....here they are! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlhKsK8VoY0m8XUfhSQInKAKDOMIexVw3

2/4/21 Due to the weather, the BMS basketball games that were scheduled for tonight have been cancelled.

Please join this virtual question and answer session if you are interested or inquiring more information about the upcoming operational referendum.
February 24th, 6:30-7:30 pm link: meet.google.com/hdg-uhkv-kze
March 23rd, 6:30-7:30 pm link: meet.google.com/xjf-subh-xms

Today is World Read Aloud Day! This day celebrates the importance of reading books aloud as a different way to learn from but also to enjoy books. Being read aloud to doesn't have to stop when you get to a certain age; it is enjoyable even for adults!
In honor of this day, Ms. Bolwerk, our District Library Media Specialist, recorded a bonus read aloud video on her middle school library YouTube channel. While the channel is generally aimed at the middle school audience, this reading of Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson is a great story for all ages! You can find the video here: https://youtu.be/dSFIbz3YwxE While you are there, check out the other videos Ms. Bolwerk has created to promote books in our middle school library and the love of reading. And for those of you doing the 21 day reading challenge...the minutes from this read aloud can count towards your 21 minutes!!
Thank you for your participation in this global movement, and happy reading!
#BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest #BrookwoodReads21

It’s day 2 of our 21 day family reading challenge. Did you get your 21 minutes in for today!? Thank you to the families that shared pictures! Keep them coming! Send them to Helen.Xiong@gcj2k12.wi.us #BrookwoodReads21
#BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest

Did you know that it is National School Counseling Week? Help us celebrate our school counselors! #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest

Mustangs! We hope you're able to join in on our BFO's Take Out Tuesday event at MOD Pizza today! Don't forget that for the whole month of February BFO has different locations that when you take out or eat in at their facilities that they are taking a portion of their earnings and giving it back to our BFO! Don't forget to mention to them that you're there on behalf of this event! Send your pictures of you and your family enjoying your Take Out Tuesday to Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us to be shared on social media!

Student Council sucker sales will begin at the middle school Tuesday, February 2nd and run through Thursday, February 11th. Students can purchase a sucker and attach a special message to a friend. Suckers are 50 cents a piece. Suckers will be delivered to students on Friday February 12th

No School: February 15, 2021

Mustangs! Don’t forget that today kicks off our first day of our #brookwoodreads21 family reading challenge!! Send pictures of how you and your family are reading to Helen.xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us so we can hold each other accountable and stick to reading to 21 minutes for 21 days together!! #BeBrookwood #BrookwoodsBest

2/1/21 BMS Basketball Game at Raymond (live stream link): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKM13WTFVPXCkGezX53toAA