What a GREAT Open House....all because of YOU ALL! We have the BEST families around! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to make it out to be part of our Open House events! #BrookwoodsBest

Tonight is the night and we CANNOT wait to see you all! #BrookwoodsBest

Molly Amelse has been teaching yoga at Brookwood for the past three years after completing the Breathe For Change Teaching Program. This 200-hour training program, in New York, allowed her to become a certified adult and child yoga instructor. Along with this training, she also learned how to facilitate social emotional learning to better help students connect with the many emotions they feel throughout the day.
Her journey towards yoga began when she realized how difficult it was for students to effectively process through their emotions throughout the school day. Her initial desire to get her yoga certification arose from wanting to give students additional tools to help keep(omit) them be happy and healthy.
Amelse has taught a wide range of various types of yoga classes at Brookwood from the Little Yogi classes to monthly adult classes. She ensures that her student yoga classes are filled with games, short yoga flows, team building activities, songs, and social emotional read aloud books. The main goal of her student yoga classes is to expose students to different types of coping tools they can use when experiencing a wide range of emotions and of course to have fun! While Amelse’s adult yoga classes allow participants to complete a vinyasa yoga flow which allows them to connect their breathing and movement into one flow. She starts each class by setting up a group intention that allows yogis to settle into their space and calm their mind.
Amelse thinks it is really important for everyone to find time to practice self-care and she believes attending yoga classes is a great first step.
For additional information, please contact Molly Amelse directly at Molly.Amelse@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Check out her Community Yoga events and dates by click on the links below:
FREE Family Yoga 9.18: https://www.facebook.com/events/885682095139103/
Community Yoga:

Our Brookwood Bundles are ready for you at Open House and will be in your classrooms to be picked up! See you tomorrow from 4-7pm! #BrookwoodsBest

Our Brookwood Bundles are ready for you at Open House and will be in your classrooms to be picked up! See you tomorrow from 4-6pm! #BrookwoodsBest

Professional Development Day 2!! Not only is our training centered around or teaching staff but also our administrative staff! #BrookwoodsBest

See you at Open House tomorrow from 4-7pm!! Don't forget to pick up your Brookwood static cling by showing Mrs. Denecke or Mrs. Kopp that you downloaded our FREE Genoa City Joint 2 App to your mobile device! Check out our Facebook page for more information! https://www.facebook.com/GenoaCitySchools/

Wellness....not only do we believe in wellness for our students and our community but also for our staff members. Today, the staff started our second day of inservice with an “active start”! Everyone was able to choose from an outdoor walk around the school and/or into the woods, Zumba, and/or games in the gym. What a great day to be a Mustang!!!

What a great day to be a Brookwood staff member! Kicking off day 1 of our District In-Service....getting ready to get our whole Brookwood family back together....see you all at Open House on Wednesday from 4-7 at your child’s respective school(s). #BrookwoodsBest

If children are not well, they cannot learn.
In the Genoa City School District, we incorporate wellness practices and education into our classrooms in order to provide our students with strategies to address physical, social and emotional learning.
To encourage our students to be physically active, we have morning activity programs before the school day in both buildings, in addition to regular physical education classes, and classroom brain breaks that get the students up and moving. In addition to our extra-curricular athletic programs in the Middle School, we offer opportunities for kids to be active in after-school classes in both buildings. In the last two years, we have added a Fitness Center at the Middle School and a Rock Wall at the Elementary School to provide students with new and interesting fitness opportunities that can be carried into adulthood.
We also encourage our families to be active together by offering Family Yoga, Open Gym Time, Family Bike Rides, and an annual fun run--just to name a few! Our Elementary School also participates in Jump Rope for Heart/Heart Healthy Heros, which reinforces the importance of all aspects of wellness for younger students.
As a small town school district, creating a strong culture of community has always been one of our core values. Helping students develop a strong sense of self while developing healthy social relationships is incorporated into daily classroom work. Regular Social and Emotional Learning classes are incorporated into the schedule at each grade level and we have a full time counselor in each of our school buildings. We have conducted staff training to continue to learn more about helping students to self-regulate.
Our District was excited to receive a Mental Health Grant for the 2019-2020 School Year. This grant will enable us to further develop supports and screening tools for all of our students to support their social and emotional health. We are also partnering with the Professional Services Group (PSG), to provide school-based counseling and staff and parent training.
For our staff, we offer physical fitness classes and fitness room access. We incorporate physical activity into Professional Development Training and encourage practices that support a balance between home and work. Each year, individual staff members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of wellness contests and initiatives to strengthen their individual healthy habits.

Picture day is right around the corner. You are now able to pre-order your child's photo by clicking on the link below:
As a special BONUS to you.. if you
pre-order online BEFORE picture day, you will receive
FREE personalization. (Just make sure that you select it when ordering.)

We hope you've had a chance to download our new app for mobile devices....now here's how it works!
It’s everything Mustangs, in your pocket.
Don't have it yet? Download the app here
on Android:
or iPhone:

Brookwood Elementary School has seen many changes over the years. Genoa City School was established in the 1800’s and the original school house burnt down on November 18, 1907. The School was rebuilt 1908 and educated students in grade k-12. The name was changed to Genoa City Public School in 1924, when the town name was changed from Genoa Junction to Genoa City.
Our School remained Genoa City Public School until the fall of 1958. It was then that Badger High School was built in Lake Geneva and our 9-12 grade students began attend school there. At this point Genoa City Public School once again when through a change. During the 1958-1959 school year, now a K-8 school building, was renamed Brookwood School. In 1999 the Genoa City Community supported a referendum to build a school in the Hunters Ridge subdivision. That school became Brookwood Middle School and our building became Brookwood Elementary School.
Currently Brookwood Elementary School educates five grade levels. Students range from 4-year old kindergarten through 3rd grade. We take pride in being a student based school focused on the whole child. As we focus on the more traditional education that can be monitored in the class and with educational testing, we make it a point to also focus on the social emotional development of our students. Students are exposed to individual and group work setting, technology-forward instruction and explorative based project. We continually strive to make education fun for students and keep learning exciting.

The Genoa City Joint 2 School District is a 4K-8 school district that provides students with personalized learning experiences in a small school atmosphere. We believe in the importance of educating the whole child through a balanced program of academics and the arts in a technology-rich learning environment. Our schools are the center of the Village of Genoa City and we have a long tradition of parent involvement and community support.