*ALL inquiries, questions, and/or applications must be directed and submitted to Kellie Bohn at the District Office at Brookwood Middle School (1020 Hunter's Ridge / Genoa City, WI 53128) 262-279-1053 X1108 -Kellie.Bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us The Genoa City Jt. 2 School District is an equal opportunity employer and organization who fully and actively supports equal access for all people, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, veteran status, disability, genetic information or testing and sexual orientation. **Please do not apply through Facebook**
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Please see the following information in regards to a Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn. Video Message: https://youtu.be/jwN74b6XKtI Written Message: https://tinyurl.com/y7lxjnn3
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here is your Community Monday Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: https://tinyurl.com/ycxhuskl
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
The Genoa City Jt. 2 School Board recognized Jan Krueger and Jan Sireno at their regular meeting last night with a Children First Award. The Children First Awards were started in the fall of 2015 to recognize people who were making an extra effort to support children in our school and community. The "Jans" were recognized for their leadership and advocacy to serve food to our students and community during this time of crisis. The care and service to our students that they have demonstrated during this time has been exceptional! We are SO lucky to have them as a part of our District and Brookwood Family. They would love to see you at this week's Grab and Go pick ups at the middle school Monday-Friday from 11-12. #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Please view the following Monday Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn: https://youtu.be/PtYN1MDuHI0 ---along with the written community message found here: https://tinyurl.com/y7o3s97z
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Thank you! Thank you! Thank YOU! For continuing to support our FREE Grab & Go Lunches! Don't forget that anyone and everyone 18 and under are eligible for these FREE lunches -- you do not have to be a student within our school District to obtain one. If you haven't had a chance to come out and get one ---please do!! On Friday (tomorrow), --we will have some freezer items included in the bags for weekend eating --this is also FREE and usually includes some of our student's favorite lunch time items! (Cooking directions are included in the bag) See you today and tomorrow between 11-12! #BrookwoodsBest https://tinyurl.com/ya4hlorp
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Today was an emotional day for all...our teachers and staff had our District closing meeting to close out this school year. The 2019-2020 school year was one that we will never forget but we are thankful for the memories, hard work, dedication, and determination everyone has put forth. Until then....have a great summer, Mustangs! #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Don’t forget about our FREE Grab & Go Lunches at BMS from 11-12. Today, the middle school parking lot is getting sealed so the pick up spot will be near the intersection of Meadow Drive & Hunters Ridge Drive —you’ll see our little tree turtles out on the street. See you from 11-12 and don’t forget they’re FREE to everyone and if you’ve never got one before....come try it out!! #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Here is your Monday Mustang Message from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn. Have a great week, Mustangs! #BrookwoodsBest https://tinyurl.com/yde2s87o
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
FREE Lunch & FREE Supplemental Food Boxes! FREE LUNCH!!! We are so excited to have extended our FREE LUNCH program for ALL in and out of District students 18 and under until August 31st! Even if you have never gotten one before...this is for YOU too!! Come by and grab your lunches curbside at the middle school for FREE!! https://tinyurl.com/y94y9mjx If you are interested in a FREE Supplemental Food Box, the pick up date is June 10 from 11:00-12:30. To sign up or for more information, please contact Kellie Bohn -- kellie.bohn@gcj2.k12.wi.us #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
The 8th Grade Class of 2020 of Brookwood Middle School co-designed a website with their teachers and we are excited to be able to share it with you all! This site is a celebration of our graduated 8th grade student's accomplishments and a reflection of their time at Brookwood Middle School. We are so proud of our Mustangs and look forward to seeing them Grow into their Greatness at Badger! https://tinyurl.com/ybumy6l5
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
8th Grade Class of 2020, We look forward to seeing you tonight at the Drive Thru Graduation Ceremony! This video contains opening remarks from our superintendent of schools, Kellie Bohn; your class speech by Julia Kalinowski; and the address to the graduates by Brookwood principal Michael McCabe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFTxD2HE_h0 Congratulations, Mustangs——officially now…..a Badger! #ForeverAMustang #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
MUSTANGS!!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank YOU for your continued support in our District. We are so thankful for each and everyone of you. Show us how you celebrated Brookwood today. Send all pictures to Helen.xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
8th Grade Awards The Brookwood Middle School 8th Grade Award Show traditionally takes place the evening before graduation. This awards show has been made possible due to the tremendous accomplishments of the Class of 2020. We are proud of our Mustangs! The awards show has three different sections: 1. Related Arts Awards 2. Homeroom Awards 3. Athletics, Fine Arts, and Contest Awards We hope you enjoy the show! https://youtu.be/wI3wvSGrPbM #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
6th & 7th Grade Awards The awards shows take place during the last few days of the school year, traditionally they are held in the gymnasium at Brookwood Middle School. We are so proud of the Mustangs! The awards show has three different sections: 1. Related Arts Awards, 2. Homeroom Awards, 3. Athletics, Fine Arts, and Contest Awards Enjoy the show and have a great summer, Mustangs! https://youtu.be/TuXiyBRlVP0 #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
4/5 Grade Level Awards The awards shows take place during the last few days of the school year, traditionally they are held in the gymnasium at Brookwood Middle School. We are so proud of the Mustangs! The awards show has three different sections: 1. Related Arts Awards, 2. Homeroom Awards, 3. Athletics, Fine Arts, and Contest Awards Enjoy the show and have a great summer, Mustangs! https://youtu.be/3lG9b5e25U8 #BrookwoodsBest
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Curbside device/supply drop off & supply pick-up is scheduled for June 4th from 10am-6pm and June 5th from 10am-2pm at both schools. Please see the following video in regards to traffic flow and our curbside route for both schools. BES: Don't forget to bring your iPad, charger, school library books and materials your teacher has supplied to you that are school owned. BMS: Don't forget to bring your library books, materials your teachers have supplied to you that are school owned and for 4/5 iPad and charger and for 6/7/8 Chromebooks, Chromebook case, and charger. https://tinyurl.com/ya6hfo9f WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL FOR OUR DISTRICT LUNCH/DESSERT MEET UPS AND OUR STAFF PARADE TOMORROW! Thank you for your continued support in our District.
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
Greetings Brookwood Families! We are pleased to offer Brookwood Bundles for purchase again this year. Every purchase supports our Families in Need Fund which donates school supplies to local families that are struggling financially during these difficult times. Avoid that crazy rush at the end of summer. Stress-free! No more searching for the correct items--let us find them for you. Skip the stores. Everything you need except gym shoes and backpacks. We do the shopping...You do the relaxing! Brookwood Bundles will be in your child's classroom packed and ready to go on Back to School Night in August with all of the necessary school supplies to have a successful year. Each Brookwood Bundle has been teacher-designed specifically to fit the needs of each grade. Order yours today! If you have questions please contact Carrie at carrie.nowicki@gcj2.k12.wi.us Brookwood Bundles: https://tinyurl.com/ycepcq25 Families in Need School Supplies: https://tinyurl.com/y7n3wjsg
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
School District Updates--June 1, 2020 from our Superintendent Kellie Bohn. #BrookwoodsBest https://tinyurl.com/y8f29v8n
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong
We can't wait to see you all on Wednesday for our virtual Homeroom Lunches and District Dessert meetings!! Check out the video below on how we all will be connecting with one another for this day! And don't forget...you can jump around to as many teachers as you want on Wednesday during our Dessert time! If you're an elementary school student --feel free to visit a middle school teacher; and if you're a middle school student -- feel free to visit an elementary school teacher! Let's also make sure we practice our Digital Citizenship and proper online etiquette! When you join a meet --mute yourself right away until your teacher asks you to unmute! See you on Wednesday, Mustangs! #BrookwoodsBest https://youtu.be/gGhOaOkmIBs
over 4 years ago, Helen Xiong