Friendly reminder to our 7th and 8th grade families: The deadline to sign up for the 7th and 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. trip is fast approaching. If you want to join us for this amazing event, please contact WorldStrides at 1-800-458-5899 or register online at Our trip ID is 216308 The deadline to sign up is September 30th.
3 months ago, Helen Xiong
GCJ2 Parent/Teacher Conferences October 23 & 24 More information will be sent home via your child's teachers
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
No School: October 14, 2024 // Teacher PD Day
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
We are so excited for our 7th & 8th graders to partake in this year's Build My Future SE event on October 9th. Build My Future SE WI is a collaborative effort between Lakeland Builders Association and Racine Kenosha Builders Association. The event is possible because of the generous support of sponsors and the enthusiasm of our exhibitors. Check out their promo video that features some Brookwood students from last year's trip: More information to come from your child's teachers.
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
"Are you ready to step into the spotlight or help create the magic behind the scenes? Join us for our first Theater Club meeting on October 1st at 5:30 PM in Mrs. Coggins’ Room (Room 123)! We’ll be discussing: ✨ What Theater Club is all about ✨ Our Fall Show ✨ Important Dates ✨ A Sneak Peek at the Spring Musical! Whether you want to act, build sets, design costumes, or run the lights—there’s a place for YOU! Don’t miss out on your chance to be part of something amazing. See you there! 🌟"
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
The Genoa City Joint 2 School District has a school board vacancy. Below, you will see the posting of ideal candidate qualifications for this position. This posting will stay open until midnight on September 30th, 2024 To apply, please email a letter of interest to: Paul Weber, Interim Superintendent Or, mail a letter of interest to: Paul Weber P.O. Box 250 Genoa City, WI 53128
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
GCJ2 Spirit Week: Sept 30-Oct 4 Our Mustangs stampede with Spirit of Badger Homecoming! Mon: Beach Day Tues: Famous Icons Wed: Color Day Thurs: Firefighter vs. Camper Fri: School Spirit Support BMS Marching Band at Homecoming Parade Oct. 4 in LG
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
BMS Garden Club has been busy harvesting produce to donate to the local food pantry (Loaves & Fishes). On September 11th, the club planted memorial daffodils in honor of 9/11. Club members are learning a lot and also feeling great about doing something important for the community. This pair beautiful pair of sandhills have also been visiting near the garden quite often lately! Many signs that Fall is near -- even though it's been hot and dry. Special thanks for the new garden equipment provided by Mr. & Mrs. Witherill's Homesteading Club. The new tools and bags are awesome and the new hose makes it very easy to water! Thank you to all of our community garden members for all their hard work -- without you, this wouldn't be possible for our students. This has been the best garden yet!
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
What a beautiful night for some Brookwood softball. So proud of all of our Mustang athletes!
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
Have you noticed some beautification that has been happening at the sign for the Hunter’s Ridge neighborhood entrance on Meadow Drive? These boys and their grandmother, Candy, have been working on pulling the weeds, pruning the plants, and will eventually install some new plants into this entrance area. They’ve been volunteering their time and have purchased items on their own to keep our community beautiful. We are so thankful they are a part of our Brookwood Family and not only showcase how to Be Brookwood at school, but outside of school, as well! Also, a HUGE thank you shout out to all of our village workers and community members that also work hard to make Genoa City great…as we all continue to Grow into Greatness. Way to make us #MustangProud!! In a world where you can be anything….be kind, be safe, be responsible…. BE BROOKWOOD! 💙
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
To celebrate Family P.E. Week, families are invited to join their student(s) on October 8th and 9th during their student(s) scheduled Physical Education (BES) and Personal Wellness (BMS) classes. If you would like to know when your student(s) has class, please email the following teachers: BES: BMS:
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
Round of applause to all of our middle school cross country athletes. They had their first meet last night and made us #MustangProud but a special shout out to this athlete: Ryder. Not only did he place 6th in the 5th/6th grade boys division and 26th out of 204 boy runners in grades 5th-8th but this shout out is about the Greatness he shows as a Brookwood Athlete…. This past week, our middle school staff had a staff meeting in our library that faces the front windows of the building and witnessed Greatness. The cross contry team ends their practice by running to the font of the building and waiting for the team to gather there. Ryder was one of the first athletes in and enthusiastically cheered and encouraged every single one of his teammates into the end of practice….giving high fives….encouragning them to finish….and clapping them in. Being a Brookwood Athlete isn’t all just about winning or placing but it’s about doing your best, being a team player, putting your best foot foward…..and Growing into Greatness. Way to make us #MustangProud, Ryder. In a world where you can be anything…be kind, be safe, be responsible…. BE BROOKWOOD
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
All 5K-8 students will participate in our Pediatric Cancer Awareness Walk on September 27th! Donations are accepted, but not required, to participate. Proceeds will be donated to Kisses From Friends to support families affected by childhood cancer. If you would like to make a donation, please complete the form being sent home with students and send it with your child by September 27th. *More information to be sent home with students*
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
Congratulations to Mrs. Bullock our BES & BMS Music Teacher for being honored by her alma mater this summer! Check out the article here: We are SO fortunate to have high quality educators as a part of our Brookwood Family! Way to make us #MustangProud, Mrs. Bullock!
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
Last spring, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction held its first annual "Call for Student Art" with the goal of displaying images of student artwork from across the state in the Tommy G Thompson Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Brookwood Middle School art teacher Kim Garrett is pleased to announce that 7th grader Ava was one of 50 students from across the state whose art was selected! Ava's artwork is a colored pencil and watercolor painting of colorful fish and was completed while she was in 6th grade art class last spring. The selected artworks were based on composition, skill/technique, student voice, and craftsmanship. Well done Ava, we are so Mustang proud of you!
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
In a world where you can be anything…be kind, be safe, be responsible…. 💙 BE BROOKWOOD 💙 Notice anything eye catching on our new staff swag? We are SO thankful for our dedicated, hardworking, and committed staff members. We believe that all children have the capacity to learn. We have a responsibility to help children to discover and develop their unique strengths so that they can grow into their greatness.
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
WHAT A DAY!! We have THE BEST staff, students, families, and community members!!! We can’t wait to kick off day 2 with some more of our newest Mustangs joining in on the fun.... 4K students with the last name beginning with J-Z joining in on the fun tomorrow. We are so so soooo thankful for your continued support in our schools.
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
Fall Garden Club for grades 4th-8th starts on September 11th. We hope to see you all during this after school activity. Make sure to sign up to be a part of this by clicking on this link:
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
We are SO excited to introduce to you all our a few more of our newest staff members to our Brookwood Family!! Please give a warm welcome to Stelee Krisik, Jeff Wheatley, and Savannah Bounds!! Welcome to the Brookwood Family, Mustangs!
4 months ago, Helen Xiong
We are SO thankful for ALL of our Brookwood Staff and can't wait for the students to fill our buildings.... Here are some of our same faces but in new places!
4 months ago, Helen Xiong