Brookwood Wrap-Around Care


The Wrap-around Care Program provides a safe and enriching environment for students to spend their after school hours.  Encouragement for the growth of each individual student is fostered in a relaxed child-centered environment.  A focus on respect, responsibility and choices within a multi-age program is the overall foundation of the wrap around care program.

Services are available on all days of student attendance during the following time frames:

Before School Care     6:30 am – 8:30 am
After School Care    3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

We offer a variety of options to fit your needs.

A.    Before School Care ONLY needed on set days
B.    After School Care ONLY needed on set days
C.    Before and After School Care on same set days  
D.    Before OR After school care only, as needed.
E. Advance purchase “Drop-in Card”    


Families with more than one (1) child in the after-school program will receive a 10% discount for each additional child. Discounts apply to weekly enrollment only and not per diem services.

Payment in full is required weekly, unless other arrangements are made in advance.  Checks are made payable to “Brookwood” and sent to the Business Office. 

Enrollment and Policies

Admission to the program is on a first come – first served basis.  Please turn enrollment form and payment to the Wrap Around Care Staff or Elementary School office in an envelope clearly labeled “Wrap Around Care Program – Attention Business Office”.  All checks should be made payable to “Brookwood”.  Drop-in fees are due at drop off on day of service.  Students with outstanding after care fees in excess of 48 hours past due will not be able to return until payment is made in full.

A completed enrollment form must be on file before your student can attend the program. 

Parent Information

Student Pick-up
All students must be checked out Brookwood Elementary School and will only be released to adults listed on your enrollment application as authorized to pick up your student(s).  You must sign your student out. Any changes to who is authorized must be in writing and should clearly list the adults’ name as it appears on their state issued drivers’ license or ID card.

Late Pick-up Policy
Students must be picked up no later than 5:30 pm.  For every 5 minutes late that the student remains on site after 5:30 pm, there will be a $5.00 charge.  You must sign your student out.  The fee must be paid within 48 hours or the student will not be allowed to attend the program until the fee is paid.  If for an extreme reason you are going to be later than 5:00 pm, please call us at (262) 279-6496 ext 2100.  You will be charged a late pick-up fee if your student is not picked up by 5:30 pm.

Discipline Policy
All school rules apply when participating in Wrap Around Care .  The Wrap Around Care Program is an additional service to help meet the needs of our community.  The Wrap Around Care Program reserves the right to deny future services to the program, at any time, if rules for behavior are not followed.

Withdrawal Policy
If for any reason during the school year your student needs to withdraw from the program, a two-week written notice is required.  Fees will not be refunded for any time a student is absent from the program.

Snacks and Homework
Snacks - Please provide a designated, non-peanut/tree nut free snack for wrap around care.  Some kids eat all of their snack during the regular school day and many are hungry at this time.  Without a snack available, it makes it difficult for them.  If you would like, you can leave a non-perishable, healthy, labeled snack with us and will give it to them.

Homework - We highly encourage the kids to get their homework done here!    If you have any concerns or special requests regarding homework, please let us know.

Personal Items
Please be sure to label all water bottles, hats, gloves, backpacks, etc. with your student’s last name.  Items that are left behind and not labeled will be turned into Lost and Found.  Please do not send personal items (toys, stuffed animals, etc.) for use during wrap around care. Any items brought from home for purposes during the school day should be kept in the students backpack while they attend the program. The wrap around care staff are not responsible for personal belongings that may be within your student’s possession while in the program.

The Wrap Around Care Program reserves the right to cancel the program at any time with two weeks’ written notice.  Any questions regarding the after-school program please contact us at (262) 279-6496.